Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Telling the truth never hurt this bad!!

Well...I don't know about you...but I think that last challenge should have come with an advisory sticker...combat gear...and a TON of kleenex! What a crazy mess! Who knew that there would be such an explosive reaction to a challenge that involved telling the truth? Ummm...pretty much anyone who knows what women are like when they are dealing with anything personal. The fallout will no doubt be felt for a long time! Strap yourself in, and secure all loose items kiddies! It's gonna be a very bumpy ride!

We started the night with Wes extremely pissed off that Gia was eliminated from the house. Dave was mad at Wes for putting him in the unfortunate situation of having to choose between Gia and Elizabeth. Personally, I would have tossed Elizabeth out, but that's just my opinion. I don't know how she is still in the house! Girlfriend has got to go. I loved how Wes said to Dave "Let's not blow smoke up each other's asses." Wouldn't that be fun to see! Kind of appropriate, with all of the fireworks happening between people in the house...but it may just be me that really enjoyed that. I think Wes is very honest, but showing his feeling too often, and this is definitely a game where a poker face is key. Wes was folding his hand pretty fast...

The next challenge for the house guests is where the land mines started to explode all over the yard. Everyone had to complete a survey of questions and instructed to 'tell the truth'. You all know that truth comes consequences...and it ain't always pretty. Here's how it all went down:

Tell The Truth Game - who the majority chose:

1. Who will win the competition? Kiptyn (hardly a shock...I predicted this on the first night!)

2. Who is your biggest enemy? Krisily (hmmm...not 100% sure about this one...)

3. Who is the most self-centered? Elizabeth (again...hardly shocking to anyone. The girl has dug herself into a bit of a hole)

4. Who is the dumbest? Gwen (really? I don't think so! Can we demand a recount!?)

5. Who do you secretly have a crush on? Dave (FYI - I gave the same answer!! LOL!)

6. Who will always be a bridesmaid but never a bride? Natalie (sweetie...stop saying you ll kiss anyone for twenty bucks...then maybe you can be taken seriously as wifey material. Use the twenties to invest in a kick ass wedding dress!)

7. Who is the biggest jerk in the group? Wes (again...not sure if I can agree 100%. This is another recount I am demanding!)

8. Who has the worst boob job? Elizabeth (Kovacs..we all know why you really voted another way.

Tenley and Jesse B. (who is still one of my personal faves to win!!) won the challenge, a rose to keep them safe from elimination and the chance to pick someone for a 1-1 date. Hmmm...I wonder who they will pick!? ;)

I have to say, that was awful to watch and brutal to see the girls go through the waves of emotion after seeing their reaction to how the majority of people in the house answered. That was a nasty challenge and the overwhelming opinion from everyone who saw last night's episode was that it was a low blow. I get that it's a reality show and the concept is similar to Big Brother, but when you deal with emotions, we're all human...and people are sensitive. That hit pretty low below the belt and turned the house upside down!

The girls were extremely upset after the challenge. Elizabeth was worried that she and Kovacs would be sent home after he answered incorrectly on the last question in the game. She locks herself in the bathroom, and Kovacs goes off to comfort her and wade through the river of tears she is shedding. Better take a paddle...that girl cries a LOT!

Natalie is also upset at the outcome of the answers during the challenge. She didn't want to show herself as vulnerable, but she says she wants to be a great mom and wife. Here's hoping she stops selling her kisses long enough to accomplish that. I can understand why people see her in a certain light. The girl parties like it's 1999all the time...

The first date card comes for Tenley. Still wondering who she will pick? If you have been living at Disney World...or guessed anyone but Kiptyn, you clearly live on another planet. The girl has been crushing on him for months! They take off for a helicopter trip to Catalina Island and enjoy some zip lining, which is one of the most amazing things ever to do! I loved how Tenley compared their relationship to zip lining. I figured she would compare it to some type of cartoon or going over the rainbow in some fairy tale. She is sweet...I'll give her that...but I know she gets on a lot of people's nerves at times.

Did anyone else believe they shared their first kiss on that island? If you do...make sure to say hi to your buddies the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Not falling for it for one sec. The only thing I may believe is that they spent the night together for the first time on that island...maybe...but then again, it's Tenley. OK, maybe not. Anyway, they're a cute couple and everyone has assumed for months that they would end up together anyway. Looked like a great 'first' date...very romantic and just what Tenley needed to find out where she stands with Kiptyn.

The next date card comes for Jesse B., who decides to take Peyton alone for some 1-1 time. Peyton is excited to see what will happen on the date, as she wants some romance. They go for a ride in an old fashioned black and white plane that reminds Peyton of Pearl Harbour. Hmmm...really? Not sure where that came from! I'm glad Peyton's a cute girl...because that comment came out of left field!

I like the chemistry between these two. For a little while, it looked like they could come out of the house as a real couple. Shame the romance came to a grinding halt inside the hangar! Jesse...what happened!? I had such high hopes for you as a romancer of the ladies. First she got the rose...it seemed like a natural transition to the fantasy suite. It all went downhill once the martinis were poured. I love that Peyton made them martinis...but I thought she was going to dump it over his head once he started burping and sticking his finger up her nose! Chugging martinis is a no-no...so is treating a hottie like Peyton like one of the guys. Dave...is that part of the man code of things men should never do? Better give Jesse the manual to study before the next date! It was extremely painful to watch that date crash and burn.

The final nail in the coffin was the vodka and champagne mixture and Jesse treating Peyton like a little sister. Not surprised she shot down the fantasy suite invite.
I loved when they came back to the house early and everyone knew the fantasy suite was not used. Like Dave said so eloquently...Jesse B. and Peyton are like vodka and champagne - they don't mix! How incredibly appropriate.

Finally, we get to the next elimination day/ceremony. I love watching everyone plot to figure out who to eliminate. Things are starting to get nasty and everyone wants to start breaking up the power couples, especially Kovacs and Elizabeth. The votes are getting split between Wes and Kovacs for the men, and the girls are getting paranoid about who will vote them out. Gwen is the huge wild card because no one really knows her. Maybe that's because she hasn't said much since the date with the Weatherman!

At the rose ceremony, Krisily and Wes are eliminated. It's true what they say...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and lied to by a man she has a secret crush on. Never think you are safe...especially when there is a lot of money on the line!

I have to admit that Dave lying to Krisily about her being safe from elimination was ridiculous. Obviously, she is going to be pissed off and hold a grudge...and eventually, that will come back to bite him hard! The evicted house guests are the ones to vote for the winner during the finale. Why bite the hand that pays you a cheque for $250,000!? Not a smart move, my cute little badass. Dave already has several people who have been eliminated that have a reason to vote against him.

Krisily's exit speech was right on the money. She was honest and spewed out everything others watching the show were thinking. If everyone was smart, they would knock off the couples one by one. I can't WAIT to see her lose it on the finale...here's hoping everyone who got kicked out of the house has a chance to ask questions and say what they are thinking and feeling to the remaining people in the competition.

I hope you enjoyed last night's episode as much as I did. This show is feeding my reality TV addiction big time. I hate that it will be ending in a few short weeks....but in the meantime...we have a big episode coming up next week to get all hot and bothered about! Let me know your thoughts on which women will get the boot at the beginning of the show. The drama is crazy, the people are insane at times...but I wouldn't want it any other way! Mike Fleiss...you're a crazy genius! I am ridiculously addicted...and I like it! ;)

Until next time...stay out of trouble...enjoy the last week of summer leading up to the long weekend, and we'll dish it out again next week! XO

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