Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And the New Bachelor is...Not Really New! Brad Womack is Back!!! Let the Fireworks Begin...

Hello Everyone!!

If you're like me, you have been in Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad withdrawal!! Monday nights were boring for a split second until Dancing With the Stars premiered last week. Last night's show featured, among...wait for it...dancing, go figure...the huge announcement of who was going to be the next Bachelor. Everyone was going cuckoo for news about who the next man would be to date 25 women in the hope of finding love. Little did they know that someone was coming back for another chance to jump into the most popular dating pool on television!! We finally found out that Brad Womack is going to be on next season of The Bachelor. Did you love the lame spoof of having Jonathan (The Weatherman) sitting next to Chris Harrison, so that everyone thought he would be the next Bachelor!? The Facebook statuses and Twitter messages were out of control!!! LOL!!

As someone who loves the shows and writing blogs about our favoutite guilty reality pleasure, I found it amusing how everyone got so worked up after the announcement was made. For the most part, people were angry and shocked that ABC would dare to cast the most hated man in the Bachelor franchise. They wanted to see Chris Lambton try his luck at love, or Kasey Kahl, or even Ty Brown. What people may not realize is that ABC tried to get Brad to be the Bachelor before Jake was offered the opportunity, and have been pursuing him for a while. They may not realize that the other men who may have been offered the opportunity could have had personal reasons for not wanting to be on the show. The media spotlight isn't for everyone, and some people may like to have a private life after reality TV.

I personally think this is a very smart decision. Brad rejected the women during his season because he wasn't ready for a commitment. Would it have been better if he chose DeAnna, then ended the relationship a month later? Think about it. He stood his ground and made the choice that was right for him. It cost him a lot, as the backlash was ridiculous. It's been a few years since that season...get over it people! Let the man have a chance to prove everyone wrong. You know you'll watch every week, and we all know the ratings will be through the roof. I personally cannot WAIT to blog about Brad's season. This is something ABC hasn't done...bring back a Bachelor for a second chance. I think a lot of people may change their mind and see him differently...but stranger things have happened.

I had to say something about this decision, as it was such a great move by ABC. Some people think it's crazy to recycle people for the shows...but it's been done for over 20 seasons, and it's still insanely popular. I tihnk this next season will be one for the books. If it fails...ABC knows they need to start looking for new faces. But if it succeeds...watch out. I think anything is possible if you give it a chance!

Enjoy the wonderful must-see TV that's back on the airwaves and I will see you in the new year to blog and dish about Brad and his season of The Bachelor!!

Until next time...XO

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Season Finale...Do a Little Dance...Make a Little Plea...Get Rich Tonight!!

How awesome was the finale!? Were you all laughing as hard as I was??? For those who haven't seen the show, or just read this for the entertainment factor, don't own a TV or just don't watch at ALL, I won't give away the ending...we'll save that for later. I think it's safe to say that the ending was as good as it's going to get in this type of crazy enviromnemt. I can't believe how quickly the season flew by. It was entertaining, dramatic, throw on a straight jacket insane fun! I don't know if my Monday nights will be half as interesting now that it's over. I know you are waiting for me to throw in my fiddy cents' worth...so let's get to it and dish this out one last time for the season. Got your drinks yet...no...??? Go get one and hurry back! ;)

I thought it was hysterical that the first challenge of the night was a ballroom competition! I don't think anyone in the "Super 6", as Dave affectionately calls the remaining couples, has ever seen the inside of a ballroom, or or had any formal type of dance training (with the exception of Tenley). We see everyone getting stressed about what is to come and I have to admit that it was nice to see people stepping out of their comfort zone. Dave was sticking to his pact with Kovacs to make it to the final 2 couples, and Natalie was regretting sending Jesse and Peyton home. She is ready to send Elizabeth and Kovacs packing, and I'm sure everyone else watching was, as well. Hmmm...Kovacs can stay...eye candy is always nice...but I know everyone would love to throw Elizabeth out of the house faster than Nat whipped off her bikini top back in Vegas!!

The remaining couples are paired up with some of the famous choreographers from Dancing With the Stars. Kip-Ten (sorry, I couldn't resist!! LOL), meaning Kiptyn and Tenley, were paired with Chelsie Hightower, Kovacs and Elizabeth had Edyta Sliwinska and Dave and Natalie were with Louis Van Amstel. I loved the interaction everyone had with their respective choreographers. Chelsie is perfect for cute little Tenley and Kiptyn, and Edyta is serious eye candy for Kovacs and an eyesore for Elizabeth and the little green monster that has taken over her body! When Elizabeth wasn't busy silently freaking out about Edyta wrapping herself around 'her man', she was busy mentally mopping up the drool that was pouring out of every pore in Kovacs' body! Priceless. I think Kovacs was wishing Edyta was his partner for the competition....or just having a very erotic daydream. You decide which one is more suitable.

My favourite scene was watching Dave doing anything and everything necessary to get the most out of the practice time he and Natalie had with Louis. Watching Dave get in touch with his feminine side and twirling Louis around made me want to get a paddle out and score him for his ballsiness. I also wanted to make him a girly drink with a little umbrella stuck at the top, and toast his competitiveness. This guy came to play, and to win. I love his attitude! Bet he can rock a sequined shirt like no one's business, as well! ;)

I have to give Natalie props where they are due, as well. She is a very strong competitor and totally willing to do anything to win the challenge. Did anyone else laugh at Louis asking if they had sex in the house? Between that and Natalie telling Dave to grab onto her boobs instead of her waist, I was losing my mind! I love this couple. They are pure entertainment, they know how to go with the flow and are totally able to infuse fun into any situation they are brought into.

OK...on to the competition. All three couples had to perform their dance for the guest judges...Melissa Rycroft, Jake Pavelka and Trista Sutter. I have NO idea why any of these people were there to judge. I would have definately preferred Len, Bruno and Carrie-Ann from Dancing With the Stars! Three former reality show people who once competed on DWTS don't do it for me. Anyway, Tenley and Kiptyn were first and had a great dance...until they fell over at the very end! I still liked it, and our wannabe judges did too. They scored 26 out of a possible 30 points.

Elizabeth and Kovacs wetre up next with a rhumba that was as brutal as getting a root canal without the necessary meds. It was awkward, painful to watch and I was severely embarassed for them. They still managed to squeak out 24 out of 30 points, but were eliminated from the challenge.

Finally, we get to Natalie and Dave and their cha-cha dance. They have a lot of chemistry and are driven to perform to the best of their ability. Natalie's dress was also my favourite of the night! The girl could wear a paper bag and still look like a rock star on the dance floor...but I digress. They performed well and even earned a "Hello sexiness!" from Trista, but with a score of 25 out of 30, they came second to Tenley and Kiptyn, who won the challenge.

While Tenley and Kiptyn were celebrating their immunity from the elimination ceremony and making out like bandits (or cute little bunnies...come on..it's Tenley I'm blogging about here!!), everyone else was stressing about the upcoming rose ceremony. No one wants to go home with $250,000 on the line, so they start to talk strategy amongst themselves. Kiptyn and Tenley are faced with the difficult task of selecting the couple they want to have by their side in the final four. At the rose ceremony, they choose Dave and Natalie as the final couple to move on, and Kovacs and Elizabeth are sent home.

Tenley says her decision to choose Dave and Nat was based out of loyalty, and Kiptyn hopes Elizabeth and Kovacs found love together. Ummm....were we watching the same season!? I donn't those two are part of the same BOOK (or in the same library, for that matter), much less on the same page when it comes to relationships and how they feel about each other.

The show ends with the remaining four leaving the house and the finale was taped a week ago before a live audience...and all of the eliminated houseguests come back to help decide the fate of the final four. When we see the returning contestants, we find out that Elizabeth and Kovacs are no longer a couple, and that she thinks Kovacs is a player. Sweetheart...what was your first clue!? The fact that you were his personal booty call, plaything, and he never really claimed to love you back should have tipped you off. Sorry..but reality really does bite back. Hard.

Elizabeth is finally a brunette again during the finale...thank GOD. The girl was annoying, but her bleach blonde hair was an eyesore! Thankfully, she went back to her 'roots'...lol. She looks much better and believable as a brunette. I wonder if the hair dye toned down the craziness factor too. Just sayin'...

We also get some resolution on the Gia/Wes situation of 'are they or aren't they' together. Gia admits that she is single again and that she is still interested in Wes. Wes admits he came on the show for the money, but didn't expect to fall so hard for Gia. After saying that 'bad boys need love to', they finally kiss for the first time in front of everyone. I have no clue if they are together now, but I can't say I am surprised at this outcome...are you? Do you think she will be in his next music video? On his next cd cover? I could go on for hours...lol.

The final four face questions from the former houseguests they helped to eliminate. Ashley questions Dave about how quickly he moved on from Jessie S. to Natalie on their overnight date in Vegas. Jessie says Dave did what he had to do for the game, but Dave says what happened was not for the game. In plain English for the people in the cheap seats...he was into Nat more. Hope that helps to eliminate any leftover confusion out there!! ;)

Krisily expressed that she was mad at Dave and upset that he didn't give enough respect from him to tell her that she was going to be sent home. Dave explains that there was no point in telling her, but she said it was a respect thing. Ironically, she ends up giving him her vote later. I didn't know if she would go there...but good for her for making a decision based on the game.

Peyton told Kiptyn she was shocked at his behaviour and how she saw that he lied to her. He told Peyton that he didn't forsee himself and Tenley getting together on the show. Gia also told Kiptyn she was upset that he alowed Nikki to get eliminated after she went against the 'Outsider' girls' votes in order to keep him in the house.

We get to Michelle giving her speech to Tenley. Ahhh...seemingly deranged, psychotic Michelle. Clearly, time does not heal old wounds...they just give you time to get crazier!! Michelle is still pissed off about the fact that Tenley mentioned to others in the house that she hooked up with Craig M. She goes on about hos she lost respect for someone who was so sweet on Jake's season of The Bachelor, and that she would NOT give her vote to tenley. Really, Michelle? We didn't see that coming!! LOL. ;)

Wes also gets his word in as he mentions that when it comes to money, you qustion your integrity...money definately talks in this type of environment. Dave was upset about that, as he and Wes were friends, but they were fighting around the time Gia was eliminated from the house. wes is ok with the outcome, as he has Gia over the money. Ummm...someone fill me in..are they actually dating!? Or is this part of a new song he is writing? Please fill in the blanks for me if you know...thanks!! The lines of reality have gotten so blurry.....

Finally, the couples are given a chance to plead their case to everyone about why they should win the $250,000 prize. Natalie admits that she initially came for the money, but she loved everyone in the house. She wants to pay off her debt, and start a charity. Dave thinks he played the game honestly and fairly. He apologized to Jesse B and Krisily for things he did, and hoped that he brought comic relief to the house. He also hoped that he has the votes of his peers.

Not sure why she waited so long, but Gwen chose to pick this time to admit to a conversation she overheard Dave having with other people in the house. He said that anyone in their 30's who was in the house was a loser. We find out that Gwen is actualy 39. Gwen was very upset about this comment, and Dave said anyone in their upper 30's should not be on a dating show. Hmmm...where exactly should they be? Playing shuffleboard with the other seniors at the retirement home?? I love Dave...but that was a ridiculous thing for him to say. That was probably the one major thing he did that annoyed people watching the show who don't feel like they need to date Col. Sanders to find love...LOL. Get a grip, Dave. Love comes in all forms, and at all ages and stages in life. People who are a little bit older know exactly what they want out of life and love...and won't settle for anything less. OK, I am done with the soap box rant! ;)

Kiptyn and and Tenley have their chance at stating why they should win the money. Tenley talks about how honoured she was to be there. She states that she lost more than just her marriage...she lost her home, and all the money her parents invested into it. She wanted to pay them back the money, and also have some fun with the winnings. Kiptyn told everyone how close he was to not coming on the show, and that he wanted to start a charity with the money, and also have some fun with the proceeds.

Juan also decided to make his comments known at this point. He said that Kiptyn played with integrity, Dave and Natalie played hard...but he didn't know why Tenley was in the final four and how she got there. Jessie S. defended Tenley, stating that she won her way to the finals.

The final two were determined by voted from the former houseguests. The first couple to get 8 votes moved on to the final round. The final two were:

Dave and Natalie

The final twist to the competition was explained by Chris Harrison. He mentioned that to test their relationship, they would be sequestered in separate rooms and had to make a choice...Share the money, or Keep the money for themselves. If one person selects share and one selects keep, the person who chose keep would keep all of the money. If they both selected share, they would split the money. If they both selected keep, neither would get the money, and the funds would be divided equally among the eliminated contestants!

Dave and Nat are separated to make their decisions. While they are gone, everyone speculates about how they will vote. The majority thinks Dave will choose share, but that Natalie will opt to keep the money for herself. The final decision is made...Dave selects share, and Nat looks upset and asks Chris R. if she can say something. Chris says no and tells her to reveal her decision. After a brief speech that made everyone believe she decided to keep the cash for herself, Nat chooses to share the money, and they each win $125,000!

What an ending! The only thing that topped their win was the delicious looking kiss Dave planted on Chris H. I wonder how good that was for both of them,!? It looked pretty hot from where I was sitting! LOL. Lucky Chris!!!

What a great finish to a hilarious season of Bachelor Pad. We saw the whole range of action - drama, tears, catfights, alliances, bromances and showmances. I am going out on a limb to say that I enjoyed this finale more than the finale of last installment of The Bachelor - that train wreck was insane, considering what has happened since the show ended. Bachelor Pad was exactly what we needed for a Monday night during the summer months, and I personally cannot wait to see the next installment...and you know there will be a second season!! Let me know who you think would make a great contestant on the next season.

If you are interested in seeing more of the former bachelors from previous seasons of The Bachelorette, Jesse Kovacs is doing a wine and book tour in the US and Canada over the next few months. My friends and I will be checking this out next week here in town at a Bachelor Pad party with former bachelors, and I can't wait to see the bromance of Dave and Kovacs in full effect! Here is a link to the Kovacs Brothers website, where you can get dates for his tour. The site also contains information about Dave Good's new book, "The Man Code' that will be on sale soon!


To all of you who have read my blog, provided me with comments and feedback, and have enjoyed the show with me, thanks so much!! I love writing this blog and really appreciate that you take the time to read my entries and give me such great feedback! Hope to see you again very soon for the next season of The Bachelor! Anyone want to guess who the next Bachelor will be? I have heard so many things already...and would love to know what you think!!

I will be back in the New Year to give you all the the scoop, dish and drama that is on The Bachelor! Until then, be good, find something fun to do on your Monday nights and enjoy the rest of the year!! :)

Until the next installment...XO

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Showmance + Bromance + Couples = Bye Bye Single Ladies!!

How many people out there get more amused as each week of this show passes!? I am one of those people waiving my hand frantically in the air! I admit it...I am shamelessly hooked to this crazy show! A dash of crazy, a pinch of Disney, a huge serving of drama and a splash of Bromance and you have the recipe for the funniest show that has been on our televisions every Monday night this past summer. I'm sad to say that the finale is coming up quickly...but as we know, all good (and drama-infested!) things must come to an end. I have to say...not at all surprised they got rid of the single ladies and kept their couples alliances strong. Hope that doesn't come back to bite the houseguests too hard in the finale! Let's get this party started and get back to where we left off last week...:)

We pick up with the guests talking about Krisily's elimination. Kovacs isn't crying over her departure, but Dave was upset about how Krisily's speech was about him. Ummm...maybe because you told her she was safe, then helped get her booted out of the mansion! The girl's got a right to be pissed. The line used last night is so true..."Don't hate the player, hate the game!!" Words to live by...especially if the vote comes into the hands of the people who were kicked out each week. I am secretly hoping for a jury bitch session like on Survivor, where everyone has a chance to make speeches and ask crazy questions to those left in the game. We need some spice thrown into the finale, and I hope ABC steps up and gives it to the fans! What's a show like this without knockdown fights and crazy drama!!??

The remaining houseguests get a bomb dropped on them the next morning when Chris H. lets them know they are axing three of the ladies, as there are too many of them. I love how the way they determine who leaves comes down to Spin The Bottle! Clearly, all the great challenges were already taken by Big Brother and Amazing race. Really...a bottle and a kiss? Why not look for a genie in that bottle, as the single girls had no hope in hell to get a kiss from the guys who were already coupled off with the other women. No surprise how it all went down. The remaining couples are:

Kiptyn and Tenley (Krisily was pissed about this....she saved him early in the game, but he saves Tenley instead. Please...saw this coming in a snowstorm. Couples will always kick ass over singles any day of the week. Sorry Krisily...I love your ballsy, honest attitude...but guys will always pick the girl they want to get closer to over the girl who is nice and has good intentions. Let's see if this comes back to haunt Kiptyn in the finale!!) Why did Kiptyn bother to pace around and pretend to think about his choice? Did anyone believe that? I like Kiptyn...but that was lame. Plain and simple.

Kovacs and Elizabeth - Another no-brainer. He has been with our resident crazy girl for months. Even though she has screw loose, as Kovacs outs it, she is also his hookup in the house. Hard to compete with that!

Jesse B and Peyton - Our resident brother/sister relationship. I am still disappointed their showmance went south during their date in the hangar. It's nice to see they still get along. Hope it takes them to the end!

Dave and Natalie - Yet another showmance hookup. A wild night in Vegas isn't going to get trumped by three single women. I'm sure everyone would agree with me.

That left Nikki, Gwen and Ashley still single...and headed straight for the limo ride back to the airport. I wonder if the Weatherman is still available? There's a second chance for everything!! :)

I don't want to sit here and dissect every little thing on the show...but a few things stood out for me last night...

Kovacs and Elizabeth - Watching them go over how much (or in Elizabeth's case, how little!) they know about each other was ridiculous. Kovacs clearly knows a lot about her...but Elizabeth couldn't remember her name, let alone where he went to school, personal information about family, etc. Maybe if she took some Ginkgo Biloba (Liz...if you can't pronounce it...I don't think you really take it!), she wouldn't have looked like such a goof. Get a clue, sweetheart! Definately time for her to go home...

As much as I think Tenley and Kiptyn look cute together, I had my gag reflexes tested last night. Between the pool PDA and Tenley's Kip-Ten comment, I was wishing I could fast forward to another scene. That's all I have to say about them.

I would much rather talk about Peyton and Jesse B! How many people either howled or gagged over Jesse picking at an ingrown hair with a drywall screw!? OMG, hysterical! I wanted to say it's the screw that Kovacs said Elizabeth had loose...but I'm pretty sure people don't have drywall screws in their head. Hmmm..maybe it would help her seem less psychotic...but I digress. Anyway, I love the dynamic between Jesse and Peyton. While she isn't too happy about their partnership, as the other pairs are more like actual couples, I like them and their dynamic seems really genuine.

The next challenge came straight out of Frosh Week (for my Canadian friends...or for those in the US..Orientation Week for first year students at college). What the hell was the budget for these challenges!? Did everything get blown on the reward for winning the contest? I'm thinking yes. The water balloon tossing challenge came down to sticky fingers and clumsy catches. The last couple standing was Natalie and Dave, who won roses and immunity from the next elimination round, along with a 1-1 date. Shame Kovacs and Elizabeth had to mark their territory on the yellow Lamborghini waiting outside for Dave and Natalie. I feel like someone should have thrown some water balloons on them to cool them off.

I loved watching Dave rip out of the driveway on that hot sportscar! Better than seeing a kid in a candy store...unless the kid is joyriding in a car that cost six figures! Tell me you weren't jealous of their drive on the Pacific Coast Highway..I dare you! The part of the date that got to me was when Dave opened up about his parent's divorce and how he had a blowout with his father that caused them to stop talking. That's the first time we have seen Dave show any real emotion on the show. Nice to see that he's not just about the man code and bromance. Dave and competition without him around to shake things up! One thing I didn't see him as is a 'daddy's boy'. I guess anything is possible.

Dave talks strategy with Nat and wants to figure out where her head is at. Natalie wants Kovacs and Elizabeth out of the game, but Dave opens up to her about the pact he and his boy Jesse made before they came into the house. Nat tells him that at the end of the day...there is $250,000.00 on the line. Sometimes a lot of zeros cancels out the bromance...but that remains to be seen.

Back at the casa, everyone is busy getting some PDA in the pool...or just getting busy! Honestly...were any of you surprised that Kovacs and Elizabeth snuck into the Fantasy Suite and broke the bed!? Aaahhh...I love how Elizabeth wanted to talk to Kovacs about the night they met...and all he wanted to ask her was "Wanna get naked?" LOL. Liz...you saying "Screw Dave and Natalie" is so ironic....especially naked in the big girl bed! The icing on the cake was Tenley sneaking up to find Kovacs and Elizabeth. I loved how she ran back to everyone and lets them know the lights are out and it smells good. Jesse B knows what time it is with that news...and I preferred what he said over Princess Tenley's comments.

Getting back to the Fantasy Suite...did anyone else think that Elizabeth should have stopped talking 20 minutes earlier!? Clearly, Kovacs was there for one reason...and it didn't involve a long discussion about love, relationships or romance. He wanted to get in, get out and have some fun. Elizabeth...you need to win the money if for no other reason that to buy a CLUE! The guy just is not into you like that. Sorry I had to break it to you...please don't cry....and go postal...and act psychotic. Wait a sec. You have done all these things already. OK...never mind.

Let's just skip to the plotting and scheming going on before the next elimination vote and rose ceremony. I love how Tenley and Natalie had their 'woman code' established, but didn't go through with their talk of saving Peyton and Jesse from elimination. I was really hoping that they would be saved, and Kovacs and Elizabeth would be hitting the dusty trail. They are a favourite by those who knew them outside of the game, but not necessarily the best couple to be in the final six to win. Unfortunately, we know that it's usually a popularity contest in these types of situations.

All the talking and deal making couldn't save Jesse and Peyton from going home at the end of the rose ceremony. My favourite part of the ceremony was at the end of the show was Jesse calling out 'a few fake people' in the house. I totally agree with him...but at the end of the day, I guess you do what you have to for the chance to win a pile of money and save your showmances, bromances and anything else that will carry you to the season finale.

I don't know about you...but I am pumped for the season finale next week! I seriously hope that the people who were kicked out the game that are back for the final episode make the final two work for their votes and for the money! Twists and drama are what makes shows like this more enjoyable to watch. We all love to get lost in the hysterics, tension and drama that exists on Bachelor Pad...so please ABC...bring it next week and don't disappoint us!!

Take care, have a great week and let me leave you with a final thought. If we didn't have crazy shows like this to make us laugh and dissect every juicy detail the next morning, our Monday nights would be boring. I would also have nothing interesting to blog about! I have no idea what I am going to do after next week! LOL...;)

Until next time...XO

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Telling the truth never hurt this bad!!

Well...I don't know about you...but I think that last challenge should have come with an advisory sticker...combat gear...and a TON of kleenex! What a crazy mess! Who knew that there would be such an explosive reaction to a challenge that involved telling the truth? Ummm...pretty much anyone who knows what women are like when they are dealing with anything personal. The fallout will no doubt be felt for a long time! Strap yourself in, and secure all loose items kiddies! It's gonna be a very bumpy ride!

We started the night with Wes extremely pissed off that Gia was eliminated from the house. Dave was mad at Wes for putting him in the unfortunate situation of having to choose between Gia and Elizabeth. Personally, I would have tossed Elizabeth out, but that's just my opinion. I don't know how she is still in the house! Girlfriend has got to go. I loved how Wes said to Dave "Let's not blow smoke up each other's asses." Wouldn't that be fun to see! Kind of appropriate, with all of the fireworks happening between people in the house...but it may just be me that really enjoyed that. I think Wes is very honest, but showing his feeling too often, and this is definitely a game where a poker face is key. Wes was folding his hand pretty fast...

The next challenge for the house guests is where the land mines started to explode all over the yard. Everyone had to complete a survey of questions and instructed to 'tell the truth'. You all know that truth comes consequences...and it ain't always pretty. Here's how it all went down:

Tell The Truth Game - who the majority chose:

1. Who will win the competition? Kiptyn (hardly a shock...I predicted this on the first night!)

2. Who is your biggest enemy? Krisily (hmmm...not 100% sure about this one...)

3. Who is the most self-centered? Elizabeth (again...hardly shocking to anyone. The girl has dug herself into a bit of a hole)

4. Who is the dumbest? Gwen (really? I don't think so! Can we demand a recount!?)

5. Who do you secretly have a crush on? Dave (FYI - I gave the same answer!! LOL!)

6. Who will always be a bridesmaid but never a bride? Natalie (sweetie...stop saying you ll kiss anyone for twenty bucks...then maybe you can be taken seriously as wifey material. Use the twenties to invest in a kick ass wedding dress!)

7. Who is the biggest jerk in the group? Wes (again...not sure if I can agree 100%. This is another recount I am demanding!)

8. Who has the worst boob job? Elizabeth (Kovacs..we all know why you really voted another way.

Tenley and Jesse B. (who is still one of my personal faves to win!!) won the challenge, a rose to keep them safe from elimination and the chance to pick someone for a 1-1 date. Hmmm...I wonder who they will pick!? ;)

I have to say, that was awful to watch and brutal to see the girls go through the waves of emotion after seeing their reaction to how the majority of people in the house answered. That was a nasty challenge and the overwhelming opinion from everyone who saw last night's episode was that it was a low blow. I get that it's a reality show and the concept is similar to Big Brother, but when you deal with emotions, we're all human...and people are sensitive. That hit pretty low below the belt and turned the house upside down!

The girls were extremely upset after the challenge. Elizabeth was worried that she and Kovacs would be sent home after he answered incorrectly on the last question in the game. She locks herself in the bathroom, and Kovacs goes off to comfort her and wade through the river of tears she is shedding. Better take a paddle...that girl cries a LOT!

Natalie is also upset at the outcome of the answers during the challenge. She didn't want to show herself as vulnerable, but she says she wants to be a great mom and wife. Here's hoping she stops selling her kisses long enough to accomplish that. I can understand why people see her in a certain light. The girl parties like it's 1999all the time...

The first date card comes for Tenley. Still wondering who she will pick? If you have been living at Disney World...or guessed anyone but Kiptyn, you clearly live on another planet. The girl has been crushing on him for months! They take off for a helicopter trip to Catalina Island and enjoy some zip lining, which is one of the most amazing things ever to do! I loved how Tenley compared their relationship to zip lining. I figured she would compare it to some type of cartoon or going over the rainbow in some fairy tale. She is sweet...I'll give her that...but I know she gets on a lot of people's nerves at times.

Did anyone else believe they shared their first kiss on that island? If you do...make sure to say hi to your buddies the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Not falling for it for one sec. The only thing I may believe is that they spent the night together for the first time on that island...maybe...but then again, it's Tenley. OK, maybe not. Anyway, they're a cute couple and everyone has assumed for months that they would end up together anyway. Looked like a great 'first' date...very romantic and just what Tenley needed to find out where she stands with Kiptyn.

The next date card comes for Jesse B., who decides to take Peyton alone for some 1-1 time. Peyton is excited to see what will happen on the date, as she wants some romance. They go for a ride in an old fashioned black and white plane that reminds Peyton of Pearl Harbour. Hmmm...really? Not sure where that came from! I'm glad Peyton's a cute girl...because that comment came out of left field!

I like the chemistry between these two. For a little while, it looked like they could come out of the house as a real couple. Shame the romance came to a grinding halt inside the hangar! Jesse...what happened!? I had such high hopes for you as a romancer of the ladies. First she got the rose...it seemed like a natural transition to the fantasy suite. It all went downhill once the martinis were poured. I love that Peyton made them martinis...but I thought she was going to dump it over his head once he started burping and sticking his finger up her nose! Chugging martinis is a no-no...so is treating a hottie like Peyton like one of the guys. Dave...is that part of the man code of things men should never do? Better give Jesse the manual to study before the next date! It was extremely painful to watch that date crash and burn.

The final nail in the coffin was the vodka and champagne mixture and Jesse treating Peyton like a little sister. Not surprised she shot down the fantasy suite invite.
I loved when they came back to the house early and everyone knew the fantasy suite was not used. Like Dave said so eloquently...Jesse B. and Peyton are like vodka and champagne - they don't mix! How incredibly appropriate.

Finally, we get to the next elimination day/ceremony. I love watching everyone plot to figure out who to eliminate. Things are starting to get nasty and everyone wants to start breaking up the power couples, especially Kovacs and Elizabeth. The votes are getting split between Wes and Kovacs for the men, and the girls are getting paranoid about who will vote them out. Gwen is the huge wild card because no one really knows her. Maybe that's because she hasn't said much since the date with the Weatherman!

At the rose ceremony, Krisily and Wes are eliminated. It's true what they say...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and lied to by a man she has a secret crush on. Never think you are safe...especially when there is a lot of money on the line!

I have to admit that Dave lying to Krisily about her being safe from elimination was ridiculous. Obviously, she is going to be pissed off and hold a grudge...and eventually, that will come back to bite him hard! The evicted house guests are the ones to vote for the winner during the finale. Why bite the hand that pays you a cheque for $250,000!? Not a smart move, my cute little badass. Dave already has several people who have been eliminated that have a reason to vote against him.

Krisily's exit speech was right on the money. She was honest and spewed out everything others watching the show were thinking. If everyone was smart, they would knock off the couples one by one. I can't WAIT to see her lose it on the finale...here's hoping everyone who got kicked out of the house has a chance to ask questions and say what they are thinking and feeling to the remaining people in the competition.

I hope you enjoyed last night's episode as much as I did. This show is feeding my reality TV addiction big time. I hate that it will be ending in a few short weeks....but in the meantime...we have a big episode coming up next week to get all hot and bothered about! Let me know your thoughts on which women will get the boot at the beginning of the show. The drama is crazy, the people are insane at times...but I wouldn't want it any other way! Mike Fleiss...you're a crazy genius! I am ridiculously addicted...and I like it! ;)

Until next time...stay out of trouble...enjoy the last week of summer leading up to the long weekend, and we'll dish it out again next week! XO

Monday, August 23, 2010

A kiss is never just a kiss...it's a smackdown for a rose!

Hello everyone! I couldn't resist coming back to blog about the funniest, craziest and slam the front door shut most addictive reality show to air during the summer months! I laughed, everyone in the house cried, and it still ended with the resident hottie Gia being sent home too soon. You knew it was coming though, after last week's crazy turn of events! Grab your libation of choice and let's get this party started!

I think I speak for everyone else that watched last week when I say we knew the writing was on the wall for Gia after she backdoored Craig M. and gave Wes the rose, sealing Craig's fate in the house. The dust barely settled on the last rose ceremony when the girls started analyzing who had the swing vote in the rose ceremony. Nikki admitted to being the one who voted Craig M. out, causing drama with Gia. Gia already knows she has a huge target on her back, and that several of the men want her out. Gia feels that Dave, Kiptyn and Kovacs will vote her off, so she needs to win the next challenge to save herself. I never thought a rose would double as a life jacket for someone who was on a sinking ship, but in this game, grab it and hold on for dear life, or risk getting sent home to the real world!

The house guests find out that the new challenge is a kissing contest. Sounds like grade school to most people...although I doubt that kiddies were kissing like this in school! I was surprised at some of the people who stepped up to this challenge in the hopes of winning the rose! Then again...$250,000 is a massive incentive for someone to give a lip smackdown for the cause! Hold on to your Chapstick, playas...it's gonna be a sloppy ride!! ;)

The girls were up first to be blindfolded and get kissed by the guys, and then would vote on who was the best kisser from the group. I loved how Natalie said she would kiss any of the men in the house for $20.00. That girl is crazy and hysterical! Some online even say a little bit cheap and trashy, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to the money and who will represent for the cause. Money talks...or screams bloody murder in some instances. Gia, on the other hand, was really uncomfortable, as she has a boyfriend back home. Ah, Gia...sweet Gia...why bother coming on a show like Bachelor Pad, where you know there will be hookups, drama, romance and kissing!? Definitely not the place for someone in a committed relationship! Natalie totally nailed it when she said "Don't come on a show where there will be romantic competitions and cry about it." Strike two, sweetheart. Better step up or start packing.

The kissing competition was a riot...very steamy...and sloppy as hell! It was so obvious that the girls were really getting into the kisses from Wes, Dave and Jesse B. They were very confident about their kissing abilities and it paid off. Nikki and Natalie especially liked the steamy kisses. I knew Natalie would...she was enjoying everything about the challenge! LOL. I have to admit, I haven't really been a huge fan of Wes since Jillian's season of The Bachelorette, and Dave and his man code drove everyone crazy, but Wes has started to grow on me. Maybe it's the mad crush he has on Gia...or the fact that he adds drama to any situation. Dave is just ridiculously hot. Period. Man code long forgotten...LOL! As for Jesse, I don't know a girl around that didn't have a crush on him during Ali's season that blew up into mad lust when he came onto this show. The guy is insanely attractive...add a layer of sweetness, and all the ladies turn into mush. I love it! Hope this sweetie sticks around for a while. :)

Sorry...I got severely sidetracked! Let's talk about the other guys and their performance. Did anyone else notice that they didn't show too many of the kisses from Kiptyn and Kovacs? Naturally, they showed Kovacs kissing Elizabeth...you knew her head would spin in both directions over that steamy buss. I am still trying to figure out how these two hooked up! The girl comes off on television as the reincarnation of the Exorcist that has a nasty run in with Glenn Close's character from Fatal Attraction. I know that we shouldn't believe everything on TV, as it's part of the drama...but sweetie, you look like a hot, messy freak to everyone watching the show! They also showed Kiptyn and Tenley's "first kiss". Aaaahhh...my sweet little Tenley. I adored her on Jake's season of The Bachelor and I am also one of the people who hoped that she would meet Kiptyn and they would end up together. I just think that she is a bit too jealous and territorial (well...as much as Tenley could be!). Let's face it...this is a show where someone will win $250,000.00. If they want to hook up before or after the money is won, go for it. In the house, it seems like you do what you have to in order to keep your eye on the prize. Anything goes DEFINITELY applies on this crazy show!

It would be so wrong for me to forget to give Jonathan the resident Weatherman an honourable mention for his performance as well. Jonathan is not finding any love in this house, and it carries into the kissing challenge as well. Elizabeth took it way too far with the gagging after she kissed him. I won't go into detail about this, but the girl could take a lesson in class. Seriously. Get over it and play like a big girl. When the show plays back for everyone to see...it won't be pretty and actions speak louder than words. Or gagging noises.

Jonathan, on the other hand, was beyond excited to be able to kiss the ladies in the house. I loved the reactions he had from some of the steamy kisses, especially Natalie and Peyton. Shame he couldn't have been able to have that cold shower he wanted and needed! Poor Weatherman. I always like an underdog...but you were outplayed and outkissed in this game, buddy. I see a cute weather girl in your future...she's out there...I promise!! ;)

I wasn't surprised at the fact that Ashley bailed on the competition. As a teacher, it's understandable that you want to portray yourself as a good role model for the kids you teach, and that's cool. I respect that immensely. However, if you know what the show will be like and the fact that there is a possibility of having to deal with romantic challenges and possibly compromising situations, why bother coming on? Not a good way to put yourself in the running for the coveted prize at the end...just sayin'.

Gia bailing on the challenge was another huge surprise. The fact that she came on the show while in a committed relationship was also surprising. Gia would have known that there would be situations like the kissing challenge she would have to deal with. On top of that, why bail halfway through the competition if you decided to participate? She had to know that the guys would kick each other out of line to kiss her!! The girl looks like a supermodel...why not enjoy the challenge and the kissing? Instead, we saw weak kisses that were watered down out of respect to Gia, according to her. BOO. This is a competition for a huge pile of money...do what you gotta do, or go home. Plain and simple. Sink or swim..and you better swim hard and step up to any challenge thrown your way. I'll come back to Gia later.

It was time for the girls to step up and kiss the guys. My girl Tenley came out, guns blazing and threw down a serious kiss on Jesse B. I honestly did not think she knew how to give anything but butterfly kisses! I was fighting the urge to brush my teeth a thousand times during the challenge, but I was giving virtual knuckles to Tenley for being a willing participant and remembering why she was in the house and on the show. Well done, Tenley...well done!

I have to talk about the hot mess that was in the form of Elizabeth's kiss for Jesse B. Was that a slam dunk, or a kiss? I thought she was going to knock him over! As Wes said, it was violent. Totally appropriate, given this situation and the person giving the kisses. Wow.

After Gia bailed on the competition, she had a breakdown and mentioned how everyone was acting like a porn star and that she would rather be sent home because she had a boyfriend. Again...why go on a show when you have a man in your life? Bachelor Pad is just how it sounds...a place where there can be potential for crazy games, hookups and a ton of drama. Why leave a relationship to get thrown into temptation? It didn't make any sense. I really like Gia, but she was digging a really deep hole for herself that she wasn't going to be able to get out of without a ton of help..enter Wes! That guy was practically drooling over her.

After all the kissing, dissing and rehydrating took place, the voting took place for the best kissers. Dave and Peyton took first place, getting a rose and a date with three people of their choice. Dave had the first date, and was able to take three of the women to Las Vegas. Dave chose Nikki, who he says has class, Krisily and Natalie, who is ready to get crazy and God knows what else with him! I can't imagine her as the Bachelorette. I think it would be like Big Brother...where you could watch on Showtime and see The Bachelorette After Dark! You just know that once this show ends, Natalie will end up on another reality show. I see it happening! ;)

The foursome head to Sin City, straight to the Mirage and the Bare (topless) pool. They have the place to themselves, and Nat is ready for some fun and action. Needless to say, once she whipped off her bikini top, it was a no brainer who would receive the rose and chance to stay in the fantasy suite with Dave. The other girls were sent back to the mansion, and Natalie and Dave spend the evening getting to know each other on the overnight date. They come back as a secret couple, so that's probably what they talked about in the room. Sure...that's what happened...they talked. Honestly, who cares what happened. It's Bachelor Pad. It's a game of anything happening in any given situation.

Next up is Peyton's date with the men she picked - Kovacs, Kiptyn and Jesse B. I love that Jesse got excited that he was chosen for the date, as he always had a crush on Peyton. The three of them take off for some drag car racing, leaving Tenley and Elizabeth back at the house feeling the green monster coming in to rear it's ugly and jealous head. Ladies...it's a game. Let the boys be boys and have fun. Get over it. They can buy you something pretty with part of the money they have a chance to win at the end of this show! I am tired of seeing Elizabeth crying for every little thing too. Pass her a tissue and tell her to get over it. It's reality TV. You're there for a good time...not a long time. Have fun and don't sweat every little thing about Kovacs!

I won't dish too much about the date...I think Peyton already knew that Kiptyn and Kovacs had their loyalty to Tenley and Elizabeth. The focus on this date was definitely on the chemistry between Peyton and Jesse. I like them together, and think that they have potential to be a couple outside the show. There is talk they they already are...and if that's the case, good for them. They seem like they compliment each other well and have the same laid-back personalities. Hard to find on a show like this. Jesse gets the rose and offer to stay in the fantasy suite (aka - master bedroom in the house. ABC, could you not spring for a suite at a boutique hotel nearby? Hope you step it up for next week's dates!!).

I want to ask if anyone else gagged over Wes singing that infamous song again to Gia...but the better question to ask is who DIDN'T gag!? Wes...that act was played in Jillian's season. Recycling your game is tired, especially when it's for a girl in a relationship. In any event, there is no doubt or question that Wes and Gia had a strong connection. The question is how it was defined. For a woman who has a man in her life, she had no problem snuggling up to him in bed...as friends. Whatever...I can overlook that...what I can't ignore is the Shakespeare comment! Wes is a modern day Shakespeare...but better and cuter! How many times will that come back to haunt you, girlfriend!? It's part of every Bachelor Pad blog online...so I had to join the cool kids and throw in in mine too. That's the line of the night and the benchmark for future episodes. Thanks for leaving your stamp on this episode. Funny as hell. I appreciated the giggle!!

I had to give Wes some credit for running around like a chicken on crack, trying to get the girls to break up the couples in the house and vote out some of the men who are key players in the game. In the end, it didn't matter, as the rose ceremony brought the demise of the Weatherman and our pinup girl Gia, who lost in a tie breaker against Elizabeth. The forecast is still sunny, but without our very fashionable diva. I have to say, I am really surprised she was cut this early. Just goes to show you that love from the houseguests don't always come easy...especially from Dave, who gave the deciding vote. Dave was upset Wes put him in the difficult situation of having to be the one to vote out one of the ladies. You know that there will be fallout from that next week!

I don't know about you, but I am already excited to see what happens on the next episode! This show is sinfully good, decadent, crazy, and insane fun. Exactly what the doctor ordered to pimp up our Monday nights. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I love to dish about our guilty new pleasure in the Bachelor franchise! Take care and see you next week!!

Until next time...XO

Friday, August 20, 2010

On sabbatical from blogging...back soon!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having an amazing summer! I have been really busy with work, travel and all fun things in between, so I had to take a break from completing the blogging for Ali's Bachelorette season, which was a real shame. It was a fabulous season filled with enough drama, romance, heartache and handsome men to fill a football stadium! Best season ever! I promise that I will start blogging again for the next installments of the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I really love blogging, and it's so deliciously entertaining, so I will never give it up! :)

In the meantime, hope you are loving Bachelor Pad as much as I am! I will try to add some entries for this kick ass show starting next week. Mike Fleiss hit a home run with this crazy show. I love seeing all the former contestants, and the hotness factor is through the roof! Who doesn't want to look at Jesse Beck, Kiptyn, Dave and Jesse Kovacs for 2 hours every week!? I was really hoping a few of the men from Ali's season would be there as well...but there is always Season 2! Here's hoping...:)

Hope you enjoy the blog entries that are currently on the site. Take care, enjoy the rest of your summer, and I'll be back soon with some Bachelor Pad updates!

Until next time...XO

Monday, June 7, 2010

Beach boys, beefcake and bitching: Bring it on!!

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed the latest episode of The Bachelorette. Who knew that 17 men, one bachelorette, a tattletale and a McDreamy wannabe could stir up so much drama!? I LOVE it! Grab your drinks and let's get this party started!

Whoever coined the saying "Love, Hollywood style!" must have seen into a crystal ball and saw Ali's date with Frank! Ali's first 1-1 date with the aspiring screenwriter starts with her picking up Frank in a vintage convertible. Shame that the car breaks down on the highway. Not to worry...Ali decides that she and Frank can walk down the highway and hail a cab. I love how one mysteriously appeared to get them! Only on a reality show, my friends...:)

Ali and Frank take off to Hollywood Blvd, where the paparazzi is waiting to take pictures of Ali, along with many fans who want her autograph. Ali happily obliges, and has Frank pose for pictures as well.

Back at the house, the tension start to heat up between Craig R. and Justin "Rated R". Craig makes it known that he is not a fan of Justin and gives him a hard time at the pool. I'm sure this is just the beginning for the entertainment wrestler. What else do you expect!? I swear the "R" in "Rated R" stands for really!? Who are you kidding? It seems like you aren't here for the girl...you are here to boost your so-called career, pal! Hopefully Ali will see through the act...but you never know. It IS a reality show!

The next stop on Ali and Frank's date is a visit to the Hollywood sign. The two admire the view of the city from the sign and discuss Frank's career. He thinks that like Ali, love is worth sacrificing a career for. The two share their first kiss (with Frank wearing some black sunglasses...how very Corey Hart of him!!), and we see the chemistry building between them.

As the date continues into the evening, we see the rose laid out on the table. Ali tells Frank that she thinks he is funny, smart, quirky, charming and not at all normal! Another person may have questioned the last comment, but Ali says that these are all qualities she likes. Ali gives Frank a rose and says to the camera that she is crazy about him and that he exceeded her expectations. He says it was the best first date ever and she says she hopes he feels good about the time they spent together.

The second date card is for a group date. Jonathan, Ty, Chris H., Kirk, Connor, Tyler, Steve, Craig, Chris and Craig M are invited to a date with Ali. The date starts at a beach house in Malibu. The date is actually a group calendar photo shoot on the beach with the men and Ali. The "Sexy Guy" calendar will be sold to raise funds for a charity. Most of the men look hot and very ripped in their skimpy outfits...yummy beefcake! Just what the doctor ordered!!

Jonathan the weatherman is instantly afraid of looking bad in front of the other men who are in better shape. His fears increase when he sees he needs to wear a Speedo! He covers up with a floaty toy...awww Jonny! Don't by shy!! It's for a good cause!

Ty pulls out his guitar and sings for Ali. Their chemistry is evident and they get caught up in the moment. Very cute, don't you think!? ;)

Ali takes the men to a bar later in the evening for a private party. Ty has some 1-1time with Ali and he tells her about his divorce. He explains that he has learned from life lessons and she appreciates his honesty. Hey...at least SOMEONE is honest on this show! Give the guy props for that.

Jonny be Good (aka - the weatherman) is still whining about Craig M. He thinks Craig is poison for Ali and goes to find Ali to chat with her about him. He interrupts her private time with Ty and gushes to her about her beauty, then talks about how nasty Craig is. He mentiones that Craig has no character and says he is dangerous and wants to fight. Afterwards, Craig asks Jonathan if he had a connection with Ali, and laughs at the thought of it.

Justin also crashes Ali's alone time and wants his own moment to talk to her. Ali thinks that Justin is genuine and wants to be there for her. She cuddles up to Justin and says she likes him and hopes that he likes her too.

The night ends with Ty receiving a rose from Ali.

Date number three is with Jesse. He receives Neil Lane cufflinks with his initial son them. Ali thinks Jesse is hot and sexy. She surprises him with a ride on a private plane, and they fly off to Las Vegas. Ali is terrified of flying, as we learned during her time on The Bachelor last season, and Jesee makes her feel safe during the flight.

Once they land in Vegas, they jump into a red Ferrari and speed down the Strip and through the desert. They go to the Aria resort and spend some time in the Liquid pool. The resort is still not open to the public, so they have the place to themselves.

Later, Jesse receives a suit from Ali for their evening date. Ali opens the curtains to reveal an amazing view of the strip in a private suite. Ali is still not sure if Jesse will receive a rose - she needs more time to get to know him.

Back at the house, Craig M. is on a rampage, putting on Jonathan's clothes and antagonizing the poor guy. His obnoxious behaviour does not go unnoticed by the others. The tension continues to worsen as the night progresses...can anyone say asshole!? Someone give him an award for drama queen of the year!

At the end of the date, Ali thanks Jesse for their great chat and she thinks he is a solid and genuine person. She gives Jesse a rose and they go to a private concert with Jamie Collum. The two of them dance and start sharing steamy kisses on the dance floor. Finally...I was beginning to wonder if this guy would ever get anything from this date!! It appears that the two have a great deal of chemistry and a lot of fun together. We'll see what happens in the future.

At the cocktail party, the men start assessing the situation. Frank already feels that he and Ali are like a couple. Ali has some 1-1 time with Chris L., who did not have a date with her that week. He is sad that they have not had any time together as of yet. Ali asks him about his family and Chris invites her to come to Cape Cod. Awww...he's a cutie! I hope her gets a date with her soon!!!

Roberto and Ali share alone time as well. Ali gushes to him about how handsome he is and how she wants to know everything about him. Ali is really into Roberto and goes to play catch with him. Roberto says he is already feeling something for Ali.

Kasey tries to have some 1-1 time with Ali, but is interrupted by Frank. The guys are jealous, as Frank already had a date and received a rose from Ali. Frank tells Ali how he misses her and that he is sad to see her with other men on dates. He kisses her in front of the other men, which just fuels the fire in the others.

Jonathan is praying to the gods that Craig M. is sent home during the next rose ceremony. Craig continues to antagonize Jonathan and everyone feels the tension boiling over. I feel like I am playing pause, then play with this tired scene. Enough already! No wait...it's a reality show...keep it coming!! LOL!!!

Jonathan finally has 1-1 time with Ali and mentions that he had another 'moment' with Craig M. He keeps telling Ali that Craig is dangerous. Ali takes Craig aside for some 1-1 time and asks him point blank if he likes her, because it doesn't seem like he is comfortable around her. She says he seems reserved and calls him out for not asking her any questions. Ali also mentions that someone called him dangerous. Craig talks fast around her and does not appear at all comfortable. He won't even look her in the eye when he talks to her. Yeah...that's sincerity, wrapped up in a nice neat double shot of whatever he keeps in his glass. I can't believe he is representing Canadian men. Where did they find him!?

Craig leaves Ali and is hell bent on finding out who said he was dangerous. He calls everyone into the room for a meeting and mentions what Ali said to him. He calls out Jonathan for the comment. Jonathan admits he does not like him, but does not admit to the comment. Craig pushes his buttons and Jonathan asks him to take accountability for his problems. Atta boy, Jonathan!! Glad to see you have balls of steel. You may need them if it gets ugly!

At the rose ceremony, the following men receive roses:

Chris L.
John C.
Craig R.
Chris N.

Poor Craig got shipped back to Canada. Shocking, isn't it!? ;) I love how his parting lines were about hoe Ali couldn't be serious with someone shorter than her, and that he hoped to meet someone on the flight home. Yeah buddy...you were in it for the girl...ummm...I don't think so! I am sure that he's not as terrible as he appeared on the show...but he looked like an idiot. I don't see him having tons of women lining up to date him based on that crap-assed performance with Ali and the rest of the guys!

Well, that's it for this installment. I will be back next week to spill all about the drama that is Ali and her harem...and I must say, I DO enjoy the drama!! Hope you enjoy the next episode!!

Until next time...:)

PS...I had to add this link for all of you who didn't get enough of Craig M. from Canada! Thank you Lindsay for sending this to me...:)


Saturday, June 5, 2010

25 Men, So Little Time!! Ali's Quest For Love...:)

Hello Everyone!!

Well, better late than never! Sorry for the delay in starting my blogs for the new season. I have been busy and unfortunately, Ali's drama and boy toys had to wait a bit for me to start dishing and hissing about them!! Let's not waste any more time and get right to it!

OK...I know there are a lot of people who are not huge fans of Ali. People think she was whiny and filled with drama on Jake's season of The Bachelor, and that she dropped out of the running for his heart so that she could come back to have her own season of The Bachelorette. Well, after seeing who he chose and what has happened since then, I say you go, girl! I would have dropped him too for a chance to start fresh, Vienna-free and get all dolled up for 25 men of my own.

Didn't you just love how ABC milked all the drama-infested scenes from Ali's departure on the season premiere to start off the show? I know by now, everyone is sick of seeing her cry in the middle of the hall at the hotel, in the back seat of the limo and pouting on her balcony back in San Francisco. I knew as soon as she left last season, we would have to see that at the start of her season. I hope she leaves the crybaby behind as she dives head first into her own quest for love and lust!!

I loved when Ali pulled up to the mansion in the limo and we were able to check out what she was wearing. The necklace flowing down her back was awesome!! Many people didn't think she the dress she had on suited her, but I thought she loked like a princess! Loved the black flowy dress...she looked like a diva and ready for love!

Keep in mind that Ali is a self-professed tomboy! ABC has very wisely paired her up with a great stylist that is putting beautiful and girly dresses on her to play up the image of Ali as a beautiful, desireable lady that 25 men are willing to fight over. This also explains the hair extensions that she gave Vienna a hard time about. Let's cut the girl some slack...we know she's in it to win it...she needs to use the ammunition to make her earn bonus points in the beauty department! Anyone else they selected would have done the exact same thing!

As a side note, if anyone wants information on the outfits Ali is wearing in each episode, check out the Possessionista website. There is always a breakdown of her outfits there - who the designer is, what the cost is and where you can find similar outfits at a lower cost. I love this site and always appreciate the fashion tips! :)

I will keep my comments pretty brief on the men who were selected for this new season...at least for this entry. Overall, I am not too impressed with many of the guys selected for this new season. I think ABC's casting department could have done a LOT better with most of the choices, but I know some people were probably selected for ratings purposes. In any event, here is my take on the men who rolled up in the limo to meet Ali for the first time (at leats the ones I can remember!):

Frank - 30 year old retail manager and aspiring screenwriter from Chicago. He is super cute and looks like he's there for Ali and to fall in love. I am looking forward to seeing how their story plays out! Loved when he came flying out the window to meet Ali.

Jay - 29 year-old lawyer. That's pretty much all I can remember. LOL!

Craig M - 34 year-old working in dental sales from Sarnia, based in T.O. He looks like Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy! I loved when he told Ali how happy he was to see her and not Vienna! He scored a brownie point on the spot with me! HAHA!!

Kyle - the 26-year-old outdoorsman from Colorado. Hunting since he was 4. I bet he wants to hunt Ali down and mount her over his fireplace! LOL!!

Justin - aka 'Rated R'. Entertainment wrestler from T.O. Anyone who is an entertainment wrestler must have a drama streak in him! I am interested in what stunts he pulls during this season. Anyone think he will try to put one of the guys or Ali in a headlock? He will definately get the sympathy card from Ali for being on crutches.

Phil - 30 year-old investment manager from Chicago. His brother died at age 22, and he shifted his priorities in life after that happened.

Jonathan - weatherman from Texas. I will go on record to say that this goober is NOT for Ali! Where do they find some of these men!?

Ty - 31 year old medical sales rep from Tennessee. Plays guitar and was divorced a few months before he came onto the show. Not sure if that's a long enough break to start looking for love again, but he's cute and I am looking forward to seeing what happens with him.

Chris L - Landscaper from Cape Cod. He was a teacher who moved home when he mom was sick. When she passed away, he stayed home and changed his profession. He was instantly one of my personal favourites. Cute as hell and had instant chemistry with Ali! Looking forward to seeing more of him and the two of them together.

Roberto - 26 year-old insurance agent. Ali and Roberto had huge sparks instantly and she thinks he is sexy. Ali calls him a cutie as soon as she meets him. I see him sticking around for a while. (Rick...if you are reading this...I told you once and I will tell you again and again...YOU should have applied to be on this season! I know you are a huge Ali fan!!)

Chris from Vancouver - she thinks he is cute. They seem very comfortable together. We'll see how long he sticks around.

Tyler - works in online advertising. He tells Ali that he's happy she's not on jake's plane right now. I wanted to say that would be impossible anyway, since Jake is too busy trying to be a reality star to even have a real job anymore...but that is neither here nor there. :)

Kirk - cute and asks Ali for a hug. He is the one who makes Ali a rose and says she deserves one of her own, since she will be busy giving out so many over the coming weeks.

John - got down on one knee and gave Ali a cubic zirconia ring. Dude...women prefer real bling! We will see how long he lasts.

Tyler - mentions to Ali that he wore red boots because she wore them when she met at Jake. Ali points out that she did not. Hmm...wonder what season he was watching when he saw the boots...play attention, pal! Not a smart move on your part.

Derek - brings Ali leaves because he saw that she made a wish using a leaf on her hometown date and he wants her to catch one and make a wish now. Awww...not Tyler could take a pointer from Derek. Clearly, he watched The Bachelor and took note of Ali's actions. Atta boy! ;)

Shooter - the one who tells her how he got his nickname. That was so painful to watch and sealed his fate instantly! Never, ever tell a girl you are trying to impress such a ridiculous story! Anyone who wants a recap, let me know and I will email you offline...lmao! Otherwise, I think you may be able to connect the dots on your own...;)

Jesse - the country boy from MO. Very cute and catches Ali's eye.

Jason - the one who does a backflip off the roof of the limo. He impresses Ali with that stunt.

After Ali meets all of the men, she goes inside for the cocktail party to try and get to know everyone better. Ali says how she has never felt more beautiful and special. I would say so...a lot of hair, makeup and style tips would make any girl feel diva glam! ABC has invested a lot into making Ali look like a princess, and it's paying off - at least in my opinion. I am an Ali fan and am sticking to that story!

Ali mentions to the cameras how she is ready to fall in love again and is looking for someone smart, funny and who treats her right. Frank steals her away for some 1-1time. The competition is already heating up...that's the way to make an impression and show Ali who is there to get to know her. He mentions that he is a huge risk-taker, and that she is very courageous for what she is doing. He ends their time with a hug and kiss on the cheek. You can tell they have a little spark already. I likey Frank...for the record. :)

Kirk also gets some time alone with Ali. He tells her how he spent 8 hours making her a scrapbook, which she loves. Ali is blown away by Kirk.

Kasey also steals Ali away for a chat and tells her he wants to protect her heart. Ali responds by saying his mama raised him well. They bond over sharing information about how their parents divorced when they were only 12years old. Is it me....or does this guy scream creeper!? I am a little weirded out by him. We'll see if my gut reaction changes over time.

Hunter catches Ali's attention by singing her a song and playing on a ukelele. This part was hysterical and I couldn't stop giggling at this point! Corny as hell and very entertaining.

Jonathan the weather monpolized time with Ali, leaving Craig M. without any time with Ali. Craig calls Jonathan out on all the verbal diarrhea. You can already feel the tension and dislike between these two men.

Roberto sneaks Ali off for 1-1 time. She calls him handsome and ask to know all about him. Her interest in Roberto is obvious. She says that she is very glad he is there to meet her and says how she wants a family filled with unconditional love. He gushes at her beauty and does a little salsa dance with her. She is totally into him!

Chris L. and Ali also enjoy a good conversation. He leaves out the information about his mother, saying that it was not first impression information, and decides to share this information with her later. Smart move. There is something about this guy that I really like...good looking and nice is always a great combination!

Ali and Justin also have some 1-1 time, where he tells her that he is an entertainment wrestler. He tells her that his stage name is "Rated R", and that his injury is from the wrestling. The men give him a hard time about his profession and think he is dishonest and there for all the wrong reasons. Hmmm...Rated R for ridiculous, in my opinion.

When Ali and Craig have their 1-1 time, he calls out the other guys and tell her that not everyone is there for the right reasons. He also gives Ali a yellow sneaker keychain, which symbolizes her favourite colour and her love for sneakers!! It's a bit cheesey, but all is fair in love and war!!! Ali is touched by the gift and his honesty, as she does not have the same insight on the men as others do.

Jesse also gives Ali a gift, which is a necklace with a heart that is in two pieces. Ali eats that up like ice cream on a crazy hot day. What girl wouldn't enjoy a gift from the 'heart'...awww, yes, I am a cornball! LOL!!

Chris Harrison, the host of the show, comes to crash the party and has the men write down the name of a person who they think is not sincere or there for the right reasons. Everyone is nervous about this, but most of the men write down Justin's name. Ali has the option of asking Justin to leave, or she could give him a rose. She decides to give Justin a rose and the chance to get to know each other better.

Ali comes to the point where she needs to give out the first impression rose. She gives it to Roberto, who she says made her feel at ease, was so sweet, and was someone she could see herself with at the end.

Finally, we get to the end of the show and the rose ceremony! Here is who Ali picks to stay on to get to know better:

Jesse Beck
Justin “Rated R” Rego
John Crivello
Kasey Kahl
Tyler Vermette
Chris Hasek-Watt (Canada)
Roberto Martinez
Chris N. (From Florida)
Jonathan Novack
Ty Brown
Kirk DeWindt
Craig Robinson
Frank Neuschaefer
Hunter Wagner
Chris Lambton
Steve Kocsis
Craig M. from Canada

Once again, I apologize for the delay in starting the blog entries! I hope you enjoyed the season premiere. I am still questioning a lot of the selections the show picked for Ali, but in watching clips of future episodes, it looks like is will be a very interesting season! Let me know who you think will be around for the long haul, and what you think of the remaining 17 men!

Until next time...stay dry, enjoy a cocktail or two and we'll catch up again for more dishing very soon!! XO

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ali is baaaaack! New season of The Bachelorette starts tomorrow!!!

Hello Everyone!!

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the long weekend! I can't believe it's been a few short months since we were dishing about Jake and his harem of beauties. Now Ali is back and ready for her own journey towards love, lust and tons of drama, ABC-style! :)

The season kicks off tomorrow night on ABC, 9:00 PM. I know there are people out there who think Ali bailed on Jake to have her own season...personally, I think she was smart to leave when she did. Look who Jake chose in the end! In my opinion, they are two people who deserved each other. But that's all the time I want to give to those two in this blog...no more! I am looking forward to a season that from the sounds of it, promises to be filled with a lot of romance, beefcake and intense drama to keep us chatting over the water cooler and coffees every Tuesday morning for the next few months!

As I mentioned during my last blog for The Bachelor, I promise not to reveal any spoilers and news I may have heard prior to the start of this season. I have heard many things and the only thing I will say is make sure to watch every Monday night!! There is a LOT that's going to happen and I think we will be talking about Ali's season for a very long time. ABC will definately earn the ratings they want for Ali's turn as The Bachelorette!

I am so excited to be blogging again, and grateful there are so many people who love to read my entries. It's what keeps me writing every week and why I am so happy to continue for this new season. My first official blog will be after tomorrow's premiere, so stayed tuned. A new season of dishing and hissing is about to begin!

Until next time...enjoy the rest of your long weekend, enjoy the sun and wear tons of sunscreen! Summer is just around the corner! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bachelor Finale and ATFR: The Final Rose Lost Its Bloom...Only a Thorn Remains!!

Hi everyone!!! I missed you...hope you missed me too!! So sorry I didn't blog last week. I got sucked into the hype and madness that was otherwise known as the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games...I think we all did! I will add a few paragraphs to this blog to quickly recap last week's Women Tell All Episode. I have no doubt that I'm not the only person who is happy that this season finally came to an end. I will go on record to say that I think Vienna is not the greatest choice, but it's Jake's decision and he based it on what he was experiencing and feeling during the 6 weeks they were filming the show. What happens in the real world will determine if these two stay together for the long haul! OK...let the hissing begin! There's so much to say and I don't want to miss anything!!

Let's quickly chat about the Women Tell All episode. I don't want to waste tons of time on it as I think it was hideously scripted and edited! I think that the girls said a lot of things about Rozlyn that nay not have been true. Where were these accusations before that show?? ABC is awesome at editing and creating perfect drama...and I definately think some of that drama played out in this episode as well. I think the comments were way too 'convenient' at this stage in the show.

I thought the girls' depictions of Tenley were a RIOT!!! I love that girl...do not misunderstand me as I am not mocking her....but some of those comments were funny as hell. Hearing Jessie say that Tenley “is the sweetest thing, but seems like she’s dropped straight out of a Disney movie” was hilarious. I also loved hearing Gia say that Tenley shit rainbows! I actually think that she could...she is that sweet!! Even Vienna's clip about how Tenley dreams in cartoons was hysterical and totally believable. Bless that girl...cute as hell and if that's all they could say about her that was outside the norm, who cares!? There are worst things that could be said than that...

Did anyone else gag when they watched that ridiculous Bachelor/Bachelorette piece? OMG...talk about throwing in filler on a episode where that had NO business being in? Pathetic and shameless promotion of former contestants in preparation for the co-ed reality show coming this summer...moving on!

I want to dig right into the Rozlyn segment. Let's point out the fact that the producers had her secluded for the majority of the show. They bring her out to a firing squad led by Chris Harrison, who raked her over the coals and point blank attacked her. I have to admit that I am not a huge Rozlyn fan, but that was really nasty and I have to give her props and respect for putting up with it. She could easily ran off the stage and told Chris to screw himself. The accusation to him about how he hit on the ex-producer's wife opened a can of worms. Even though he didn't dignify the comment with an answer, the seed was planted and everyone heard what she said. I love the drama this show creates!!!

Jake's segment with the women was lame...I gained nothing from him being on that show. I couldn't wait for it to end, as I knew what was coming the following week! Ok...let's switch gears and dive into the finale!!

We head back to St. Lucia, where Jake's family flies in to meet the final two and help Jake find some clarity, as he claims he has NO idea who the last girl standing will be. Yeah...and I have some snow to sell to people up at the North Pole. Who writes for this show!? That exact same, very tired line is used for every season of this series.

Anyway, Jake tells his family that he has fallen in love with two very different women who are like night and day, for different reasons. We all know what those reasons are. One stimulates him emotionally, one stimulates some of his organs physically. Let's call a spade a spade here!! ;)

Jake describes both women to the family before they come over to have the official meet and greet with everyone. He explains to them that Vienna was not liked by anyone in the house, which instantly puts up red flags with his mother. Jake realizes that he has opened a very messy can of worms (no doubt from the swamp...or else known as Vienna's motherland!) and is concerned that the family has already made an impression of her without even meeting her.

Tenley is the first to come meet Jake's family. They are instantly drawn to how sweet she is and Jake's father is crying because he sees that Jake is in love with her. Well, guess we have solved the Pavelka secret regarding where Jake gets the waterworks factor from. Tenley has a one-to-one chat with Jake's mother and is very open about her past marriage when asked about how she deals with conflict. Tenley says she sees Jake as her husband and his mom is in love with her. She thinks Tenley would be a great fit with the family.

The whole family likes Tenley. Tenley is anxious to speak to Jake's father and have some private time with him, so they can get to know each other a bit. No one has any reservations about her and the visit is a huge success.

Jake is hoping to see a fun, impulsive side of Tenley, so he drags her to the pool and jumps in fully clothed. Tenley follows in him and the two share some makeout time in the deep end. The mood gets killed when the family jumps in shortly afterwards. Maybe this was a sign of things to come...no matter how much you enjoy time with the fam, mom and pops don't need to kill the private time of their son and potential daughter-in-law. It was weird...not going to lie! In spite of that, Tenley fit in really well with Jake's family and she had their seal of approval if he decided to propose to her.

The next visit was with Vienna. Jake is really hoping that his family sees the girl that he fell in love with. She talks to them about where she comes from in Florida and the fact that the girls in the house hated her from the beginning. She also explained how her brutal honesty caused a ton of friction in the house. You could have heard crickets from the Florida bayou after she stopped talking. The mood in the room took a huge turn in the wrong direction.

Lindsay, Jake's sister-in-law, explains in private that her first impression of Vienna is that she is confrontational, while Jake's mother says that Vienna is not connecting well with the family. The group chokes their way through a very tense lunch and mom drags her sonny boy out for a chat and a swat across the back of the head with a rolling pin...ok, not really, but she gets her two cents' out there for him to hear. She is bothered by the fact that Vienna is not getting along well with the other daughter-in-laws. She thinks that the women in the family are the glue that holds everyone together and that it is very important for the woman that Jake chooses to fit in well with the other women. Jake is very uncomfortable and defends Vienna, as he feels his mother has formed a bad opinion of her before she has a chance to get to know her. I personally think mom is RIGHT on the money about her, but we know Jake won't stop defending her to anyone who will listen.

The brothers are also candid about their impression of Vienna. They tell Jake that when she says she is brutally honest, that is an immature defense mechanism. I feel like we are rewinding back to Jillian's Bachelorette season, where she was constantly warned about Wes, but she ignored everything she heard and continued to defend him.

The girls ask Vienna about Tenley. She states that Tenley is sweet, but has NO opinion of her own. She also says that she thinks Jake is in love with her,but NOT with Tenley. She explains how he brings out the best in her and that her heart will break if he does not choose her in the end. She is also scared that Jake's mother will not like her. Lord knows there is NO reason why she wouldn't appear lovable in his mother's eyes! I wonder if Vienna wanted to sneak off to one of the bedrooms with Jake for some tonsil action! Imagine what would happen if the parents walked in on that! I am thinking they're not as liberal as gool ol' Vinnie in the bayou!! ;)

Vienna and Jake's mother have some private time to chat and Vienna is asked how she gets along with others. She says that she is concerned about the fact that she did not get along with the other girls in the house. Vienna explains the house situation and the conflict with the others. Jake's mother and the sister-in-laws change their opinion of Vienna and actually feel guilty about their first impression of her. I felt like I was watching a bad movie after that happened. Did Vienna slip them something at lunch!? Or does everyone have ADD? The mood changed way too fast. In any event, Jake was thrilled that everyone saw Vienna as she really is...or as he likes to see her.

Vienna and Jake have their final date at a sulphur springs. I'm sure that smelled nasty as hell...and at first, Vienna did not appear too thrilled about it. She came around quickly and got down and dirty with Jake, pouring mud on each other and Vienna writing I Love You using mud on Jake's chest. It's pretty steamy and they are bother really into it. They clean each other up under a waterfall and then toast their happiness with champagne. Jake has no doubt that there is a very strong, passionate physical connection with Vienna, but he needs to make sure there is an emotional one as well.

Later in the evening, Jake comes to Vienna's room, where she gives him a box containing a handwritten note professing her love, sealed with the pink promise ring her father gave her. She tells Jake that she broke her father's heart when she had eloped for three weeks. She is terrified that this could be her last date with Jake.

The next day, Jake has his last date with Tenley. Jake is very confused about his feelings, but is extremely happy to see Tenley and is on cloud nine to see her, giving her several kisses. They set sail on a boat for some dolphin watching. Jake declares that it's a perfect moment with Tenley. Jake explains to Tenley what he is looking for in a woman. He tells her that their emotional chemistry is very high, but physically, it's not quite there. He says the physical chemistry is building, but it's happening slowly. What a way to be a killjoy, Jake! Tenley is very upset by what he says and lays it on the line for him. She thinks that they have both types of chemistry and that the physical should build progressively...that's how it is in a relationship.

Later in the evening, Jake heads over to Tenley's room. He is very disappointed in himself by hurting Tenley. Tenley, being the sweetheart she is, comforts him. Way to go, slick...kick down the one person who isn't on the show to make herself famous!! He apologizes for making her feel bad and says he wants to fight for her because he loves her. Tenley gives him a pictoral collage of the two of them as a gift. Tenley shows Jake that she has a true heart of gold. She also wants to make sure that she shows Jake that they have a strong emotional AND physical connection...hmmm...sayig this as they are making out in her bedroom...

Jake meets with Neil Lane, blinger extraordinaire to the stars. He explains what each women is like to the jeweller and selects a ring for each woman. He sits by the pool and re-evaluates each women while looking at both rings. Finally, he says he has made a decision that he feels in his heart is the right one for him. He keeps one ring box open, and closes the other one and sets it at the edge of the pool.

Finally, the big moment arrives...Jake is waiting at Jade Mountain, a gorgeous luxury resort with a breathtaking oceanfront setting, waiting for the women to arrive individually. We see Jake waiting as the girls are flown individually in helicopters to the resort. The first helicopter arrives...and out comes Tenley. We know from past seasons that the first person to arrive usually is the one sent packing without the final rose, promise of love and ridiculously huge doorknob of a diamond. Tenley looks beautiful and very happy. I prefer to keep that image of her in my mind as I brace myself for what happens next.

Tenley is greeted by Chris Harrison, who takes her to the bridge and tells her to go meet Jake. She walks up to Jake, very happy and excited. He greets her with a sad smile and he tells her how amazing she is and that he loves her, but "something just doesn't feel right". She doesn't understand where this is coming from...and I don't blame her. He was drooling over her all season and said she was perfect. I guess lust won in the end. Tenley made it WAY too easy for him, thanking him for showing her what she could have with someone and telling him how she was able to give her heart to him. She had a hard time accepting it and said that she wasn't ready to say goodbye. You could tell he was over with her and couldn't wait to get her on the helicopter. Hell, he didn't even walk her to the end of the bridge. away once the honeymoon phase is over.

Tenley said he would see the mistake he made. I do too...but it won't be until the fairy dust settles on the lust fest. After that...it will be back to Coyote Ugly. Things always get clearer in the light. They lived in a reality world for 6 weeks! The puppy love, lust, whatever you want to call it will go away down the road.

Jake...I think you're an ass and an idiot. Plain and simple. The girl deserved better than that. Period. He was obviously attracted to her physically...she wouldn't have stuck around as long as she did if there was nothing there. Emotionally, the connection was incredibly strong...much more than he will ever have with Vienna. There, I said it. The rant is over...for now.

OK...now to the final rose and Vienna. While waiting for Vienna to arrive, Jake says how "I came here for no other reason than to fall in love." He is ready to propose and profess his love to Vienna. She gets off the helicopter, is greeted by Chris and walks down the bridge and to Jake, terrified. Jake gives her back her promise ring and says it wouldn't be right to take it from her. She is upset by this and unsure of what will happen..but then Jake professes his love, gets on one knew and pulls out the doorknob engagement ring. He proposes and she very happily accepts. He also asks her to accept the final rose...any guesses on whether or not she accepts it!? ;)

Cue the ridiculously cheesey song that we have all come to despise and we watch them make out with that gorgeous ocean backdrop. That's all the time I want to devote to that pile of crap! We all know I think Jake made a very bad choice in selecting Vienna...but it's not my decision to make. I don't think it will. last, but time will definately tell if this really is a love match.

Moving right along to the After the Final Rose episode. Our girl Tenley is back, looking gorgeous in a very short green dress. She is still caught up in emotions about Jake, who we know has clearly moved on. They share a warm reunion, but she is still trying to understand why he rejected her. Jake tells her that they were missing the magical spark that he has with Vienna. He wanted so badly to have it with her, but it never happened. He also said that the last time he saw her was the best, and worst, day of his life, because he got engaged and also had to let Tenley go. He says he will always ove her and that she will have a friend for life in him.

Once Tenley is gone, Jake gushes to Chris about how Vienna is his baby and how in love with her he is. Suffice it to say, I pretty much gagged through that whole hour. He goes on to say that out of all the women he has dated, she is the best for him. Wow. Really? I would LOVE to see who he dated in the past! That doesn't really say too much to us, buddy.

Vienna comes out and says that she has been upset by all of the media backlash. She states that her friends would say that she is really sweet. Jake says he doesn't believe any of the rumors that have been publicized in magazines and that everything is blissful with them. He says that Vienna plans to move to Dallas immediately to be with him. Ugh...I am SO glad I am almost done with this update!! LOL. On another note..I would LOVE to sit down with a case of Coors Light in the bayou and chat with her Hooters friends to find out what they really think of her!

Did anyone else wonder what the hell was with the fact that no one in the audience asked a single question to the happy couple?? Can you say gag order? How pathetic. This is what I mean...ABC has these shows so carefully edited and scripted. You KNOW there were women in that audience who were ready to paint a scarlet 'A' on Vienna's surgically enhanced chest! I was hoping for some mud slinging...it would have felt like Vienna and Jake were back in the sulphur springs....only not so warm like the mud, and cool and fizzy like the champagne.

Chris gives them a free trip to go back to Jade Mountain in St. Lucia, where Jake and Vienna got engaged. They dance to a live performance of "On the Wings of Love" by Jeffrey Osborne. Is it over yet!?

Nope...Jake and Vienna slither off and Ali comes out after Chris announces that she is the next Bachelorette. She is greeted to a standing ovation by the audience and gushed about how honoured she was to have been chosen. I know she staged her exit so she could come back for her own season...but good for her. It's all about the ratings, baby! You better believe I will happily blog that season as well!!

Well, my Bachelor blog for this season has come to an end. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my weekly entries. I had a blast writing and really appreciated your comments and emails. Hope to hear from you again in the spring once Ali's Bachelorette season starts! Any bets on whether or not Jake will dump Vienna and try to worm his way onto that reality show as well!? Anything is possible. He's on the next season of Dancing With the Stars that starts March 22, but there is no way in hell he will win that show! At least I hope he doesn't. I would rather see Kate Gosselin stick around than see him and Vienna licking each other after his performances.

Until next time...:)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

St. Lucia: Love, Lust and Ali Bye-Bye!

Well...no vowel needed to be bought for this one...O...M...G! What was that!? I was gagging through a good part of that last episode! I wonder if the people at ABC think that we are blind or just clueless. We could see the lost (and ridiculous) art of careful editing taking place on ABC's top-rated 'reality' show! Note that I use the word 'reality' very, VERY loosely. I will get to the the crazy mess of the phone call between Jake and Ali later in this entry. In the meantime, grab your instrument of choice and let's tear into the week of sun, fun and lord knows what else behind the closed doors of the fantasy suites as we do the virtual travel in time to St. Lucia!

The first date was with Gia. Jake admitted to stereotyping her in the beginning as the sexy, confident model, when she was actually very insecure. Jake was able to see that Gia was holding back and was hoping that she would finally open up to him on this date. We can always count on Jakey to have a cheesy line for the viewers..."Gia makes my heart skip a beat!". Yes, and no doubt she makes his blood pressure shoot up when she wears skimpy outfits as well!! ;)

Does everyone else get as annoyed as I do when Jake gushes about how 'amazing' these women are!? He gets zero for originality. I feel like we have a pause/play button with him. Have another coconut drink or 10, pal...and go easy on the rum. You need your strength for the fantasy suite later!! ;)

Gia's date was pretty lame by Bachelor standards at the beginning...heading out to the local market, dancing around in her cutoff shorts with flip-flops and wearing the necklace Jake bought for her. It would have been better if she wore a cute little sundress with kitten heels and flaunted her Maxim body for our horny little pilot. I also had to roll my eyes when he said he wanted to come back to St. Lucia for his honeymoon. Sure.....come back to the place where he wined, dined and sealed the deal with multiple women in one week. His future wife will be so proud! ;)

I will say that the date was stepped up by dinnertime...eating on the beach with the waves crashing in the background is a nice touch. Jake made Gia feel very comfortable and he hoped that she would feel safe and willing to open up to him more than she already has. I will say that I howled when he told Gia how surprised about how much depth she had to her because she is 'drop dead gorgeous'! Ummm...the girl has dated professional athletes and posed in skimpy lingerie. I hardly think she's using a Master's degree or PhD to pose in her not-so secret lingerie.

Cut to the hammock scene and cuddle time with the future Playboy bunny. We see Gia hesitating about telling Jake she is falling in love with him...what exactly she was waiting for, I have no idea. The guy is pouring out his personal feelings to her...but I think her mind was already wandering to the fantasy suite! Speaking of which...Jake whips out the card and lets Gia decide if she wants to go back with him. Duuuhhh...of course she accepts and they end up in the bubble bath together faster than her La Perla lingerie could come off! Jake's lines about how being with Gia is almost surreal and how "Gia has grabbed a hold of my heart so hard" were almost believable...but I think he had other thoughts on his mind than his emotions for the NYC diva. You can draw your own conclusions about what happened the rest of the night!

The next date was with Tenley. I have said this from the beginning and will say it again now. I think she is perfect for Jake. They look great together, they share the same values and morals, they have a ton of chemistry, and I'm not just talking about the sexual kind. They could be one of those couples who could be together for years, not just for ABC ratings and until the cheatinhg bubbles to the surface. Jake said it so well when he told the cameras 'I would have such a blessed life with her.', and 'We agree on so many things.'

Jake took Tenley on a two-hour helicopter ride over Rodney Bay and she gushes how she feels on top of the world when she is with Jake. After the ride, they go on a picnic that Jake sets up for her in the middle of the rainforest. We all know she was burned by her ex, so she asks Jake how he will pursue if he decides to choose her at the end of his journey to find love. He tells her how they will travel the world together, jump on a plane and fly away for adventures. She says how she can see then together and that she is very happy.

The date continues on a private, black sand beach and they share a lot of kisses and private moments - there's no doubting the fact that they make a very attractive couple! Jake is hoping that Tenley will open her heart to him. She is thinking about the fantasy suite and isn't sure if she is ready to take that leap of faith, due to what she experienced in the past.

Later at dinner, the two of them are very comfortable with each other and Tenley opens up to Jake about how much it means to her that she has this opportunity to be with him. She also says that she is ready to move on with her life and be with someone else. Tenley tells Jake that she is falling in love with him and he responds with a kiss and by asking her to dance. Jake knows how important dancing is to Tenley, and he tells the cameras that he started falling in love with her that day in the dance studio in Oregon..."I'm falling in love with this girl".

Jake offers Tenley the fantasy suite card form Chris Harrison and she happily accepts the invitation. He tells her that he 'absolutely cannot wait to watch our first sunrise', and she responds by saying 'I trust you with my heart.' That means a lot to him and he is happy that she trusts him and feels safe.

I don't know about all of you, but I was really hoping that the girl had a hell of a lot of fun in that room! My spidey sense feels that they became closer that night, but she stayed true to herself and didn't do anything she would regret down the road. Whatever she did...I still like this girl. She's a sweetie and not trashy like our pal Vienna. Speaking of the devil...

Ah, the wicked one from the south. Dear Vienna...according to Jake, she is so full of life and bold. His first instinct about her was that she would be the risky choice for him. Jake decided to forget about what everyone else said about her and get to know Vienna himself. Can anyone say Jillian and Wes!? Do people not learn from the mistakes of the past? In any event, Jake and Vienna meet up next and he is in need of the fun, immature side again. We hear Vienna say how she is falling in love with Jake as that ridiculously cheesey music played in the background. Jake takes Vienna on to the pirate ship that was used in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and we watch them have some silly moments of Jake making Vienna walk the plank and jump into the water. Jake goes on about how they are very comfortable around each other and how Vienna puts him at ease.

Cut to the scene with the two of them having a serious makeout session on the ship and Jake talks about how rolling around with Vienna was smoking hot. I'm not doubting the natural chemistry between the two..that part is obvious. My doubts lie in the fact that these two would be able to have a lasting relationship, marriage, kids, the picket fence and carpools with mini-vans. If these two had kids, you know there would definitely be a booster car seat in the back for her pampered little dog, too!!

The date continues into the evening with the two of them having dinner. Vienna tells Jake how she wants to wait a few years to have children after she is married. Jake is thinking how he wants to make sure the passion he has for Vienna is not just sexual...ummm...buddy...we know it is. It's just a matter of time before you do, as well! ;)

My gag reflexes were seriously tested after Jake started asking Vienna what type of engagement ring she liked...setting, band, cut of diamond, etc. Did I miss something? Is Harry Winston at the resort with them? Then, he proceeds to tell the she-devil how he has fallen for all three women. Way to dangle the carrot in front of the horse...only to whip it back in a flash! Nice. She then proceeds to tell Jake how she can't picture herself not being with him in the end, and that she has fallen in love with him. Jake tells her how much he loves that she told him that, then pulls out the fantasy suite card. Vienna accepts, says how they need the time alone to get to know each other better, and practically sprints back to the suite. Ok...I threw that in. But you were all thinking the same thing! LOL

They head back to the fantasy suite, where Vienna says she has a surprise for him. She comes out in a skimpy white nightgown and practically throws him on the bed before slamming the door to the cameras. Again, not exactly how it happened...but you know they definitely didn't spend the night talking and sharing their deepest secrets with each other! Thank God we didn't see anything after she closed the door.

Now we get to the part where Ali calls Jake out of the blue. I love all of the carefully scripted lines they both used. Ali starts by telling Jake how 'she wanted to go back the second she left', and he tells her 'you drove away with a piece of my heart.' There was not a lot of lapsed time between the night Ali left to the day the call was made, yet Jake told her that 'when you left, it forced me to put what I felt for you aside.' Yes, my friends...this is true love at its very best!! ;)

It was sooo ridiculously obvious to a blind person that Ali had a scripted call to Jake, all for ratings. Does ABC think we're blind or not hip to these things? Please give viewers a little more credit than that. We don't live in a magic bubble...she left for a reason, plain and simple. The girl was destined for bigger and better. I say good for her. Smart girl. Run and don't look back!!

Last gag reflex testing moments...I promise! Jake telling Ali how he didn't think it was a good idea for her to come back because he had stronger feelings for the other women...and holding his head while saying it...made me want to hand him a statue and speech thanking ABC and the Academy for making him the most boring reality star of the year! How much more of this crap are we supposed to endure!? We know that scene will set the tone for the previews of next season's premiere of the Bachelorette! It's a win-win situation for Ali...you know ABC is not ready to let her fade into the woodwork. Ready or not...she will be back soon!

I won't even waste a lot of time rehashing the rose ceremony. It was obvious that Gia was going home...he's not letting go of sweet Tenley or Vienna the vixen. He told the girls that he was falling in love with all three of them for very different reasons, then sent Gia packing. He tells her that she is...wait for it...amazing, but that their relationship was start and stop and that he developed stronger feelings for the other women. Gia goes as far as saying that she doesn't think he made the wrong decision, yet she tells the camera as she is driving away in the limo that she is very shocked, crushed and confused. She'll get over it with an NFL player in no time! ;)

Jake goes back to Tenley and Vienna and tells them that they are going to the southern end of the island and that his family is coming to visit. I can't wait to see how they both are with his family! Should be interesting...:)

I am looking forward to the Women Tell All episode next week! All of the girls will be back, including Ali and bad girl Rozlyn. I wonder how much of that show will be edited as well! I can't wait to see if the gloves come off and the Lee Press-On Nails start to fly! I apologize for the delay in posting this update, but it's definitely better late than never. Until next time...take care and enjoy the rest of your week!